Are you interested in our products and would like to purchase them? Write an email to vakoka.vakiteny@gmail.com or phone to +261(0)349069769
We will check the stock immediately and give you an individual offer with a total price suggestion and the estimated time for reception. We have stored some books in Germany and Norway which can be shipped to destinations within Europe.
Don't hesitate to contact us and ask for our conditions!
POSSIBILITY 1 Many schools do not have any books at all - neither for reading education nor for spare time reading. Teachers have few possibilities for active teaching and the students lack practical training. You can improve the situation by donating class libraries to Malagasy primary schools!
For more information please contact vakoka.vakiteny@gmail.com and ask for our offers
POSSIBILITY 2 Research has shown that children in Madagascar have only few possibility to develop their reading skills because they don't have any books - neither in their homes nor at school. It is, however, obvious that the ownership of books is a precious thing for the children and important for their intellectual development. You can help pupils to develop themselves by donating books as their private property!
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