ankizy mamaky boky



Series I

Quality literature for children and youth

Dangaligny sy Konaky


Serie II
School books and school materials



Serie III
rochures and information materials



Edition Vakoka Vakiteny Madagascar

Vakoka Vakiteny is a young and professional publishing company producing literature for children and youth in Malagasy language, created by Malagasy. It is situated in Toliara in the south west of Madagascar and owned and run by Sophie and Mparany Rakotondrainy.

Vakoka Vakiteny helps Malagasy writers and illustrators to publish and promote their products in a professional manner and in this way contributes to growth and development in Madagascar - culturally and materially.

Vakoka Vakiteny stimulates the production of quality literature and illustration in Malagasy and out from a Malagasy context. It promotes the joy of reading and develops the understanding for literature and art in a modern Malagasy environment.

Vakoka Vakiteny produces new exciting school-materials that develop the children’s understanding of the lessons and improve their creativity and independence.

Vakoka Vakiteny forms a forum for modern Malagasy literature and illustration that promotes literature in Malagasy and strengthens the use of the Malagasy language.

Vakoka Vakiteny supports schools in Madagascar in building simple school libraries to give students the opportunity for safe and undisturbed reading and learning.


The main activities of the Edition Vakoka Vakiteny are

  • to develop, produce and edit quality literature in Malagasy for Malagasy children and youth -  out from a Malagasy context;

  • to supply Malagasy children with good books, to promote the joy of reading and to develop the understanding for literature and art in a modern Malagasy environment;

  • to stimulate Malagasy writers and illustrators to creativity and to help them to publish and promote their products in a professional manner;

  • to cooperate with the government, and with non-governmental organizations about printing, publishing and distribution of books in Malagasy;

  • to promote the extent of literature in Malagasy and to strengthens the use of the Malagasy language in all contexts;

  • to produce new exiting school materials for Malagasy students;

  • to form a forum for modern Malagasy literature and illustration;

  • to support schools in constructing and equipping school libraries



Vakoka Vakiteny was originally founded in 2007. Its purpose was production of modern and creative school materials. Vakoka Vakiteny became an independent publishing house in 2008.

Vakoka Vakiteny gained largely by the fruitful cooperation with the National Reading Centre (NRC) at the University of Stavanger from 2007 to 2009. This transfer of competence and means made it possible for Vakoka Vakiteny to develop high quality books for children.

After the project together with the University ceased, Vakoka Vakiteny decided to continue this important work on their own. The Association for School and Children’s Books in Madagascar (Förderverein Madagaskar Schul- und Kinderbücher e.V.) in Germany was funded in 2009 for the purpose of subsidizing the publishing house.

Vakoka Vakiteny has now published 19 titles in more than 36,000 copies for children and youth in Malagasy language. All our literature and school books have been distributed to children, youth and their parents and teachers. When we visit schools, institutions or organisations, we encourage and train the people in charge on the use of the books, and we offer them our books for free.

Vakoka Vakiteny has supported the construction of 2 school libraries.

 Vakoka means something precious, something given by the ancestors and worthy protection. The mother tongue is such a precious thing.

Vakiteny means reading. Good books in mother tongue are a treasure and the valuable base for the development of every modern society.




Every Euro helps us to make more books and spread more joy and knowledge to Malagasy children.

Click here to donate



The Association for School and Children’s Books in Madagascar supports Vakoka Vakiteny.

News from the Association


Vakoka Vakiteny publishes a newsletter at least every three months. Please send us an e-mail if you want to receive it automatically.

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© Vakoka Vakiteny 2024